CC Material 16 April 2017 – Topical

Posted: April 16, 2017 at 4:19 pm

CC Material 16 April 2017 – Topical. Objective: God Never Fails Our theme for 2017 is Write Your Story. We want you to write a great story by the end of 2017 in every aspect of your life, whether it’s your study, your relationship, your parenting, your family, your health, your financial, your ministry, and many more. To help you in writing your best story, we want to equip you with the solid truth from the Bible. This week we will learn that God never fails. He never fails in His Words, He never fails in taking care of you, and this right believing will not only give us the assurance for us to live free from worries, fears, and guilt, but also it will give us freedom for us to be the best for others, someone they can rely and depend on.

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